No = Freedom

Are you a people pleaser? Were you taught to be nice, not make waves, and get along at all costs? I know I was, and it's taken a lot to get over.

Not being able to say no can cripple you in business.

It results in:

  • Taking on too much work.

  • Taking on the wrong kind of work.

  • Working with abusive clients.

Not saying no deprives you of:

  • Loving your business in 100% totality.

  • Space and time to care for yourself and create.

What would you love to say no to?

Make a list

It’s safe. You don’t have to do anything about it now. Just make the list.

Open the door and take a good look at what is bothering you.

Now make a list of what you want more of in God’s divine alignment from infinity to infinity for the highest good of all.

Invite help from Spirit to align everything in a way that feels safe and good. Surrender it to the Universe. We are not doing this alone.

I wonder what would happen if you did that?

Saying no used to feel so painful to me. I hated to disappoint anyone and thought it was my job to solve all problems. And then I started to say no more. I said no to invitations to coffee dates that didn’t excite me, clients whose business models didn’t align with my ideal clients, and all urgent requests that came via someone else’s agenda.

I got to experience what happened when I said no, because I had rarely said no in my life up until now, and often it was not dramatic at all. When you say no to someone, they go on to the next thing. It’s truly amazing, and I also realized that my no created another yes somewhere else. If I was saying yes to things that were not in alignment for me, I was preventing true alignment from happening for everyone involved and often caused pain for myself and the other parties along the way.

Now when I say no, I feel freedom. And I get to experience the relief from the thought of doing something I didn’t want to do. It simply evaporates, and my reward is the space to say yes to what I truly want.

Remember, we get to create the business we desire. We are making this up, so let’s design something we love.

In love,



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