Early Humans Didn't Pay Taxes - Don't Blame Yourself for Financial Confusion

Are you beating yourself up for not understanding or taking care of something financial in your life?

I wanted to talk about something I've been thinking about since I was young and started working in the world. I knew the disconnection from the land and direct production of our food and shelter was responsible for the emptiness many feel when looking for purpose and meaning in life.

We go to a job to work for wages so we can pay our bills. One can construe that it's the same thing. We produce a product with our labor that feeds and shelters us, but the tasks we may find ourselves doing feel different than having our hands in the soil and being in close communion with the earth.

There was a time on earth when people didn't use money and produced everything they needed from the land in community. Money and financial instruments are unnatural. They are societal constructs that have not always existed.

So, don't beat yourself up when you need help understanding how to manage money or complicated financial instruments such as mortgages, insurance policies, and taxation. It's unnatural. Knowing how it works takes learning about it. It is not innate.

Making it your fault or thinking you are flawed in some way if you aren't financially successful won't help you get into a better financial situation.

You can learn by spending time with your numbers, getting curious, and asking questions. I ask ALL the questions until I understand something completely! Please don't think anyone is more intelligent than you are because they know something you don't.

At Love Your Numbers Now, we believe everyone is capable of understanding what they need to know to succeed financially.


No = Freedom


What's Love Got to do With It?