How I Manifested a Mattress - How to Stay Positive and Play With Energy

Photo by Maja Il on Unsplash

Teaching people how to add principles of manifestation to Financial Forecasting has challenged my beliefs. I know what I believe, but does it work for everyone?

It has challenged me to ask how far my belief that we can all create what we desire goes. How deep is it? Can everyone do it?

It's made me think about what I know and what I have created. Dr. Joe Dispenza teaches a meditation technique for manifesting an object.

He tells stories about manifesting an object out of thin air. It's an enjoyable practice because we can play in lighter energy than, say, manifesting $10,000 of revenue which can feel heavy. After all, if we don't believe it could be easy and possible, we may battle feelings of doubt, and staying positive can be a struggle.

So, I want to tell you a story about how I manifested a mattress to demonstrate how to play at being in lighter energy and have a lot of success as an example that might help you apply the same energy to create profits in your business.

Here’s the story

I had a mattress I didn't like, which I gave a daughter.

I had a futon and mattress topper lying around, so I temporarily put that on top of my platform bed until I purchased a new mattress.

Sleeping this way went on for too long, and I felt like I was living like a college student, which is different than how I want to feel in life. I had to ask why I wasn't allowing myself a proper mattress. (There's a clue there too. The not allowing part).

I asked around for mattress recommendations and started shopping. The clear path to the right mattress was not opening up for me, which I always take as a sign to stop forcing something.

Then I thought, well, since things are falling into place to purchase a new mattress, why don’t I try to manifest one? And I started to play.

Whenever I thought about the mattress, I asked myself:

I wonder how the mattress is going to come to me.

I wonder when the mattress is going to get here.

I wonder how the mattress is going to show up.

The phrase I wonder works well for me because it opens up the feeling of possibility and magic without pressure.

I did this for a few months in a light and playful way every time I thought about it. I never thought the mattress wasn’t coming. I never allowed doubt.

I never said to myself:

Maybe this doesn't work.

Maybe I don't deserve a mattress.

Maybe it's too hard to get a mattress.

Because it was just a mattress, it was easy to keep it light.

Then one day, my son called and said that his father’s friend Greg was moving and had a lot of nice furniture that he couldn’t take with him, and he wanted to give it all to my son. The problem was that my son lived four hours away and couldn’t take the furniture at the moment.

He said there was a queen mattress, nice, new, and comfortable. I said I could use it until he was at a point where he could take it, and the next day the mattress was delivered to my house by my ex-husband and his friend (I would have never imagined it coming that way!). I didn’t even have to move it in!

We create in the field, magnetize our energy to what we want, and draw it to us. Making things happen in the 3-D world takes time and effort, and when we create in the quantum field, we draw things to us.

I didn’t have to go anywhere to get this mattress. I used the power of my mind, heart, and energy field to draw it to me in a light and fun way.

I know that generating revenue to have a profitable business may not feel as light as manifesting a mattress because the stakes are higher, so it’s important to pretend that the stakes aren’t so high. It’s essential to act ‘as if’ as much as possible.

I know many people worry that worrying about money or saying they don’t have money will interfere with their ability to manifest.

I want to let you know that you don’t have to be concerned about this. You just need to practice shifting your energy. As much time as we can spend telling that negative voice to take a hike, the more time we spend imagining what we want and wondering how it will arrive is sufficient. You do nothing wrong when you experience doubt, fear, or other negative emotions. You are human. The trick is not to stay there. The more you practice being in positive energy and feeling abundant, the more that will become your reality.

Let me offer a reframe. If we have negative emotions about abundance because we are human, why not use them to our advantage?

Someone shared with me once that a way to overcome getting bothered by disturbances during meditation is to use the disturbance as a cue to go deeper; in that way, it transforms into a gift.

What if when you feel a negative feeling that you are afraid will sabotage your manifestation, you use that as a cue to wonder how your revenue goal will be met and shift the energy? It won’t help to judge yourself and beat yourself up. Instead, give it no power and wonder about what is possible.

Mentally rehearse what will happen:

  • Imagine the excitement of new ideal customers entering your business and how good it feels to serve them.

  • Imagine seeing the deposits in your bank account.

  • Imagine putting the revenue in the actual column on your Financial Forecast.

  • Imagine meeting your financial goals and how good it feels.

  • Be grateful for the abundance in your life in all ways knowing that you deserve it.

  • Imagine knowing exactly how to handle the money you make.

  • Imagine building wealth.

I imagine like this:

  • I say to myself, my bank accounts are bursting with cash.

  • I can’t wipe the smile off my face; my business is so profitable and fun.

  • I want to pinch myself because it’s hard to believe how great things are in business.

  • I see myself doing a fist pump when I close a sale.

  • I imagine all my needs are met.

Give your subconscious a taste of what it feels like to enjoy your desired result. Your subconscious doesn’t know the difference between what is real and what you tell it is real, so when you imagine what you want and feel the feelings of it happening, you become a magnet for it and attract it.

Visualize, Imagine, Play.

How do you manifest? What have you manifested in the past, and how did you do it? Now, play with applying those techniques to revenue generation.

In love,



Soul Goals and Revenue Growth: Turning Your Desires into Profitable Reality - Increase Your Revenue by Embracing Your Desires.


No = Freedom