Soul Goals and Revenue Growth: Turning Your Desires into Profitable Reality - Increase Your Revenue by Embracing Your Desires.

Have you ever given yourself permission to truly crave what your soul yearns for? That deep desire you've brushed under the rug, not daring to acknowledge it outright? My soul has been longing for a life by the water. The past year's lockdown gave me the stark contrast of life as I didn't want it to be, and it helped me connect profoundly with my desires.

Living by the water is more than just a dream for me. Ever since my childhood days on the swim team, water has been my sanctuary. Whether it was swimming hundreds of laps or committing to daily dips in fresh water to reconnect with joy, water has always whispered, "Come closer."

For the longest time, this was a 'someday' dream. But the reality of life during the pandemic made it clear that 'someday' might never come. The time to act is now. This revelation made me wonder, how could I make this happen sooner?

So I began to look for a property close to water. I have a great interest in and some experience with real estate investing. So I wasn't intimidated by the thought of owning another property.

I just needed to get my head wrapped around the financial situation. I knew I could rent my home during the summer to help pay for it, but I didn't want this step to set me back financially. I wanted to generate more revenue in my business to cover the cost of the new place and a little more. This soul goal inspired me, and that helped me open up to more revenue.

In business, we often hit a comfort zone. A set point where we are comfortable. But comfort doesn’t always equate to profitability. Asking for more revenue can be challenging as it demands more from us. It could mean managing more clients, creating new systems, growing our teams, or giving more of ourselves.

Despite these fears, the allure of my soul goal was stronger. I decided to take the leap, opening myself to more income. I set a new, increased revenue target in my forecast and said a prayer for the right clients to find their way to me.

And guess what? They did. Over the following months, my client base grew. This growth wasn't just about setting an intention; it was about the shift in energy. I became willing to allow my business to grow.

From April 2021 to April 2023, my monthly recurring revenue increased by about $3,000/month. This extra income built up over time, helping pay for a downpayment and bringing comfort that I could make an additional monthly mortgage payment.

And after almost two years of looking, I found a property on a beautiful lake in the friendliest community.

The property, a blend of a fifth-wheel trailer and a house, was rustic enough to make me feel at home and inspire me for a creative project.

So, I ask you, what is your soul's desire? Do you create soul goals? Do you allow yourself to want what you want?

Our businesses can provide for our deepest desires if we dare to ask. As we set bigger goals, we're compelled to give more of ourselves to the world. As I've learned, the key question to ask when setting a new revenue goal is, "How can I increase my revenue without increasing my workload?" This question sparks creativity and opens up new possibilities for sustainable growth.

One measurement of the value of a business is how much the owner works (the more the business depends on the owner, the less valuable it is), so creating systems and seeking help is vital. Not only does this make our businesses stronger and more valuable, but we will also have time to jump in a lake or do whatever our soul desires.

What is your soul goal? Feel free to reply to this email and share it with me. I would love to know and hold it in my heart for you.

In love,


The photo is of my actual funky little property across the street from the lake.


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