The Hidden Money Drain: Take Control of Your Subscriptions Today

What’s the big deal about subscriptions anyway? Bor-ing! I know. I thought it would be kind of boring to talk about subscriptions too. The first time I got interested in exploring this topic was when the person I hired to help me improve the Financial Forecasting Spreadsheet we use in class told me they thought it would be an excellent stand-alone tool for online business owners.

I became even more interested when I started researching the topic, especially the mindset challenges that keep us from canceling subscriptions and memberships.

All the numbers in our financial reports reflect behaviors that reflect our beliefs. And those go deep. That interests me. More about that in a future email.

So let’s continue the conversation about subscriptions.

Subscriptions are part of our lives.

  • We all have them.

  • They need to be managed.

  • They add up to a lot of money.

  • They nag at us, draining our energy when we see a charge for something we aren’t using and haven’t yet canceled.

  • They are invisible if we aren’t looking at our numbers.

  • Some add value, and some do not.

We are living in a world of subscriptions, personally and professionally.

Imagine your subscriptions as a ball. Does your subscription ball grow and grow, or does it expand and contract because you manage its size and usefulness?

If you want to see your subscriptions in one place so you can easily manage them, download your free Subscription Tracker now. You can get it here.

In love,



Overwhelmed by the Thought of Managing Subscriptions? Tips and encouragement to help you get started.


Boost your financial well-being with this FREE Subscription Tracker - Discover the power of tracking your subscriptions for financial success