Boost your financial well-being with this FREE Subscription Tracker - Discover the power of tracking your subscriptions for financial success

In case you didn't know, I am passionate about Financial Forecasting! My Forecast grounds and centers me. I look at what’s happened, plan the next three months, and know where I am. It helps me see what is going on.

When I am out of touch with my numbers, my mind may tell me I’m in danger if I don’t assess the situation. Research shows that the brain doesn’t know the difference between what we tell ourselves and what is actually true. I don’t know about you, but I want to live in abundance and prosperity, so when I feel fear or lack financially, I turn to my forecast to help tell myself a different story. It also helps me reduce my anxiety, so Forecasting is part of my self-care toolbox.

One of the things we track in the Financial Forecasting Experience is subscribed services and memberships. Participants in the program really enjoyed managing their subscriptions. They were instantly able to lower their costs, increase profitability, and feel confident in their decision-making.

I wanted to make the Subscription Tracker available to you so you can start doing some financial tracking. It will help you know what you are subscribed to, when your subscriptions renew, and how much it all adds up to. It’s on one sheet, so you can visually see everything and evaluate what you are using, the value it brings to the business, and the associated cost.

If you want to try out the subscription tracker, you can get it here.

In love,



The Hidden Money Drain: Take Control of Your Subscriptions Today


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